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Webinar in Review: AI Performance Writing – How to Apply AI and Analytics to Your Content

Anyword Community
Reading time 4 min
Ad Copywriting

Watch the full webinar here.

Welcome to the recap of our webinar "AI Performance Writing: How to Apply AI and Analytics to Your Content," featuring Ren Horst, Digital Copy Editor at Search Influence, and Bora Tarimcilar, Customer Success Manager at Anyword.

The Landscape of AI in Marketing

Search Influence was an early adopter of AI in 2022. The agency's focus has been on enhancing workflow efficiency, saving time, and maintaining high-quality content. Along the way, Search Influence realized that AI integration was not just about adopting new technology but transforming the way they approached content creation and performance.

Benefits of AI Adoption

  • Time-Saving and Efficiency: AI tools have significantly reduced the time spent on creating deliverables for clients. What once took hours can now be accomplished in minutes, allowing the team to focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Content Relevance: AI helps ensure content covers all focus areas and remains competitive. It can analyze trends and suggest topics that are most likely to engage the target audience, ensuring the content stays relevant and up-to-date.
  • Brainstorming and Overcoming Writer's Block: AI serves as a valuable tool for generating ideas and initiating the creative process. Even seasoned writers sometimes face creative blocks, and AI can provide the necessary spark to kickstart the writing process.

Leveraging Marketing Data with AI

Ren and the Search Influence team adopted Anyword in mid-2023 to streamline their digital ad campaigns, particularly for Facebook and Google ads. During their onboarding, Ren and her team discovered Anyword's predictive performance score feature, which compared their content with countless data points to forecast their campaign outcomes.

Results from Using Anyword

  • Time Savings: Reduced time spent on Facebook ad copy by 24% and on Google responsive search ads by 33%. These time savings translate to more capacity for strategic planning and client engagement.
  • Predictive Performance Score:  Enabled data-driven decisions by predicting how well content will perform before publishing. This feature has enabled Search Influence to refine their content strategies proactively and focus more on brand consistency for their clients.

Best Practices and Prompting Tips

Even the best AI tools are ineffective without the right prompts. Bora and Ren –– two prompting experts ––  shared several best practices and prompting tips to maximize the effectiveness of AI tools:

  • Use the AI sandwich method (human-AI-human): Start with human input, refine with AI assistance, and finalize with human oversight.
  • Talk to the AI as you would to a person: Pretend you're giving feedback to an actual content writer. Give it feedback about storytelling structure or tone of voice.
  • Prompt purposefully: Include all relevant details in the prompt – campaign goals, target audience, and keywords should be part of your AI briefing. The more guardrails you spend time creating, the better your AI-generated content will be.
  • Feed the AI examples of existing content: This helps align the outputs with the brand's voice, ensuring consistency and coherence.

Final Thoughts

Organizations are just scratching the surface when it comes to the potential of AI in marketing. As AI continues to evolve, the onus is on marketers to embrace and effectively leverage these tools –– or risk falling behind.

Stay tuned for future webinars from Anyword.

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