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Cold Pitching 101 for Freelance Writers and Copywriters

Madison Breaux
Reading time 4 min
Ad Copywriting

Freelance writers and copywriters already face quite a few roadblocks in their day-to-day careers.  Establishing and maintaining relationships. Staying sharp on your writing skills. Time and project management.

It’s a balancing act.

And part of this process is also knowing how to pitch your services effectively. You have to grab the client’s attention quickly, convince them of your value, and get them excited about using your skills and knowledge to deliver the content they need. What does this mean for you? You’ll have to be persuasive, fun, and inviting while still being professional and focused on the job at hand. It’s a tricky part of being a freelance writer to do right, but we’re here to help.

Here, we take you through what a cold email pitch is and how to write one effectively (plus, a few templates to get you started).

What Is A Cold Email Pitch?

Cold email pitches are a great way to reach out to potential clients and begin establishing relationships, but they can be intimidating — and tough to get right.

What exactly is cold emailing? Put simply, cold emailing is when you send out your work or future services to potential clients/customers.

But cold emailing doesn’t always work — especially if you send out a generic email with little to no personalization for the company or brand you are contacting.

How To Successfully Cold Pitch

A successful cold pitch also requires research on the company or person to whom you are sending an email. Before you send your unsolicited pitch, take some time to research what they have recently published, their brand mission, and any other information that might be useful for you to know ahead of time.

Cold Pitching Structure Best Practices

  1. Tailor Each Email to its Recipient - Your cold pitch emails shouldn’t feel like they were simply copied and pasted to everyone on your mailing list. Tailor each email to include something about the business or company that you are contacting, whether that’s mentioning a recent blog post they posted or a new initiative they launched.
  2. Validate Yourself - You’re the expert in your field — and you need to show it! Feel free to name drop other companies or brands you have collaborated with. Describe the types of experience you’ve had and how many years you’ve been in the industry. Anything that will set you apart from other pitching copywriters!
  3. Make Your Point Very Clear - Don’t make whomever you’re pitching to hunt for the point of your email. Whether you’re pitching a story idea or yourself as a copywriter, make it clear in the first few sentences of your message.
  4. Keep It Short - When it comes to cold emailing, less is more. It’s important to make your point and make it quickly, so you have a stronger chance of getting (and keeping) the attention of your potential client.
  5. Thank Them For Their Time - Show your gratitude! You always want to thank the person you are contacting for taking the time to read your pitch. And it doesn’t hurt to throw in a “I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon” at the end as well.
  6. Include Any Relevant Links or Writing Samples - You want to make sure that you are showing off your best asset — you! Include links to articles or projects that you’ve previously worked on so your prospect client can get an idea of the type of experience you’ve had, as well as your own personal tone and style.

When Is The Best Time To Cold Pitch?

The average person isn’t in the habit of checking their work emails later in the evening or on the weekends. However, for freelance writers and copywriters, this happens to be when we have the most free time. But don’t let your beautifully crafted cold email get buried in someone’s inbox come Monday morning.

So what is the sweet spot for sending out your cold email pitches? Because everyone is trying to catch up on Mondays and too excited for the weekend to respond to emails on Fridays, the middle of the week is your best bet.

Send out your pitches on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays — preferably in the morning — to get the best results.

Collectively, these days have an open rate of roughly 21%, so be sure to get your emails out in the middle of the week.

Cold Pitching: Consistency Is Key

We’ve all heard the phrase “practice makes perfect”, right? Well, when it comes to cold pitching, consistency is almost the most important part. The harsh truth is that you have to pitch every day — or at least almost every day.

But this doesn’t mean you have to send out 50 each day. Start small. Make a goal for yourself to send out 4-5 pitches a day so you have a sustainable habit of keeping up with your existing and prospective clients. 

Cold Pitch Email Templates for Copywriters

Template #1: Content Marketing, Blogging, SEO Writing

Hi [NAME],

I first discovered [company’s blog] when I came across your article/post about [recent article topic relevant to your expertise], and I wanted to say that I really admire how your content [explanation of what company’s blog achieves].

Are you looking for writers/content creators to contribute to your resourceful [company’s blog]? My name is [you name], a writer/content marketer that specializes in [type of content you write] about [subjects you specialize in]. I’ve created content for [names of companies you’ve worked with], and you can find some examples of my work here [link to your portfolio].

With our collaboration, I believe that we could [example of a goal that you could achieve through creating content for their company].

If you need any help with upcoming projects, please let me know, and we can move forward with next steps. I am available to set up a quick time to talk to answer any questions you may have.


[Your Name]

[Your Website/Portfolio]

[Email + Phone Number]

Template #2: Copywriters

Hi [NAME],

I’ve been following [company name] for a while now, and I recently came across [example of a recent initiative from the company that you want to contribute to].

If you’re looking for new copywriters to help out, my name is [your name] and I write [type of content you create] with a specialization in [your area of expertise]. I’ve collaborated with companies like [names of brands you’ve worked with], and you can find examples of this work here [link to your portfolio].

I would love the opportunity to [follow up on the example mentioned before or mention a specific goal you could help with].

Please don't hesitate to reach out to set up a quick time to chat.


[Your Name]

[Your Website/Portfolio]

[Email + Phone Number]

Template #3: Content Editors

Hi [NAME],

I recently came across [company name]’s blog/resource center, and I wanted to say that I’m a big fan of your commitment to [something that the company’s blog aims to help its readers with]. I would love to help you reach even more people with your content.

My name is [your name], and I’m an editor that specializes in perfecting content like [types of content you create + area of expertise].

Interested in taking your blog to the next level? Let’s hop on a quick call, and we can create a plan together.


[Your Name]

[Your Website/Portfolio]

[Email + Phone Number]

How To Master The Follow Up

A follow up email has the power to make or break your relationship with a potential client. It is important to stay in touch, and as we said before, maintaining consistency is key.

If you haven’t heard back from a prospective client in a week, it’s time to send a follow up email. A lot of the time, emails get buried in someone's inbox, and even if they are interested in your services, they might just not have seen or gotten to your message yet.

Other Best Practices To Keep In Mind

Have A Strong Portfolio Ready To Go

A copywriter's most valuable tool is their portfolio. You'll need to have at least a few samples of your work ready to go before you can even start thinking about pitching any new ideas to prospective clients. 

Create A Spreadsheet or Log of Clients

(Both existing and prospective clients). Fill out a spreadsheet or a log of clients with the following: First Name, Last Name, Job Title, Company, and Location. 

Catch Them With the Subject Line

You only have a few seconds to really catch the attention of your potential client, and because of this, it’s important to make every word count with your subject line. How important is it? Roughly 47% of email recipients decide to open an email based on subject line alone. Make them enticing, personalize them, whatever will draw in more collaborations.

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