We recommend signing up with your work email to keep all your marketing content in one place
Writer’s block. We’ve all been there. Even the most experienced, and well-versed writers and content creators have mind blanks. There’s nothing worse than staring at that blinking cursor for hours on end.
And without quality blog posts or articles on your site, your SEO and other marketing strategies can fall short. So how do you beat the brain fatigue and push out content at the scale you need?
An AI blog generator. AI writing tools allow you to take an idea and create an entire blog post — in half the time it would have taken you before. Here, we’ll go into some blog best practices and how to properly use an AI blog tool to your advantage.
Understand Your Searcher’s Intent
If there’s one thing we know about Google, it’s that they are paying attention. Especially to how and what people search on a daily basis. But in general, there are four different types of search intent that a user can have.
Knowing how your customer or audience base searches for content on Google helps shape your own strategy. This means you can make more streamlined, direct blog content of your own.
Establish a Clear Goal For Each Post
It’s important to not start blind when you sit down to create a blog post. Similar to knowing the search intent of your audience, you should know what it is you’re trying to achieve with this content.
Are you looking to just increase traffic to your site? Increase signup conversions? Boost purchases? This should be established both in the ideation phase for your blog, as well as while you’re writing the piece.
Don’t Forget Your SEO Keywords
Before deciding what type of content you want to create and settling on specific topics, it’s important to do extensive keyword research. What are the main keywords you wish to rank for on Google, and how that might shape your content strategy? Once you establish this, blog ideas will flow naturally (and be more effective in the long run).
What’s a great blog without a great headline? An AI blog post generator gives you several headline options to choose from, which can help shape the angle and ideation of your post.
Great blogs don’t just come out of nowhere. An AI writer will generate an outline for your post before getting into the meat of it.
Before moving on to the body of your blog, Anyword writes an engaging intro paragraph that you can edit or regenerate. Once you are satisfied with the first three elements of your post, it’s time to start generating the body paragraphs. Our blog editor lays out your outline and lets you generate, regenerate, and rephrase each paragraph as needed.
Once you are satisfied with the first three elements of your post, it’s time to start generating the body paragraphs. An AI blog editor lays out your outline and lets you generate, regenerate, and rephrase each paragraph as needed.
Here’s where you tell Anyword what you want to write about! Log into your account, open up a new Blog Wizard project, and give a short description about what your blog will be about.
Anyword uses this description to generate an outline, headline options, and introduction for your post.
Once you are happy with the initial elements of your blog, it’s time to start writing the rest of it. Anyword will automatically set up your blog using the outline generated in the previous steps. Use our blog post generator to create paragraphs, add or delete sections, and rephrase until you have your blog just the way you want it.
Yes. Anyword’s blog post creator lets you rephrase or regenerate any element written for your blog — whether that be the outline, intro paragraph, headline, or body paragraphs.
Yes. Anyword currently offers a free 7-day trial where you can test the waters with all of our copywriting features and tools. And if you want to continue using our premium, data-driven features, you can check out our tailored plans here.
Headlines and introduction paragraphs generated for your blog post come with a unique Predictive Performance Score, that helps you predict your copy’s performance potential before you even publish.
Yes. Anyword was designed to treat each generation of copy as a new request to avoid the possibility of duplicates. Additionally, we have a plagiarism checker that scans your text and the internet to make sure there’s no matching or similar copy.
No. There’s no need to credit Anyword on your blog or in the byline.
Transform the way you do business with our AI writing tool. Sign up for free and explore our powerful tools.
Reword and revamp up your existing copy to create compelling, optimized content all in just a few clicks.
Elevate your marketing game with our email generator—craft engaging emails that boost open rates effortlessly.
Describe and explain your product or service with a description optimized to boost sales