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Text Summarizer to Condense Copy

Create snippets of content in just a few clicks with our AI text summarizer tool.

Why use Anyword’s Text Summarizer to rephrase and condense copy.

Have a lot to say, but not nearly enough time (or space) to say it? Taking an article, academic paper, or other longform piece of content and shortening it can take a lot of time — and can be quite tedious. But not anymore with an AI summarizer tool.

The secret to effectively summarizing a piece of text is knowing how to capture the key points of an article without losing any important information or meaning.

However, this is much easier said than done. It takes practice, time, and patience to be able to effectively condense a longer piece of text. Here, we’ll dive into some tips for summarizing and discuss why an AI text summarizer tool is the helping hand you’ve been looking for.

Tips for effectively pulling the key points out of a piece of text.

Read the whole piece. When summarizing a piece of content, it’s important to have the full scope of what it is you’re trying to condense. If the copy you are trying to summarize isn’t your own, make sure you read the entire thing so you can be sure you have the full context before rephrasing it.

Use your own words and language. Again, if you are summarizing something that you didn’t write yourself, you don’t just want to copy and paste the verbiage of the original text. Be sure to incorporate your own language and writing style when summarizing.

Always use citations when necessary. And when you do need to use a direct quote (because sometimes directly from the source is the best way), always remember to use citations in your summary.

Don’t include your own interpretations. Summarizing a piece of content doesn’t involve changing the meaning or context of the original copy. Because of this, you want to make sure you aren’t including your own interpretations of anything when writing a summary.

What can Anyword’s Text Summarizer do for you?

Summarize Longer Pieces of Text

Anyword’s Text Summarizer allows you to copy and paste longer pieces of text (whether that be an entire article, a blog, a paragraph, etc.), and then our AI will generate different summary variations for you to choose from.

Condense Copy In A Specific Summary Type

And to customize your experience even more, Anyword lets you decide what format you want your summary to be in once it’s generated. Choose from: Paragraph, TL;DR, and Keywords. Want a variety? You can generate summaries in all three types if you wish.

How to use Anyword’s Text Summarizer

Step 1: Log In & Choose Our Summarizer Tool

Log into your Anyword account and select “Summarizer” from our General Writing use cases.

Step 2: Input the Text You Wish to Summarize

Copy and paste the text (whether it be an article or paragraph) that you wish for Anyword to summarize for you. You can also choose a summary style: paragraph, TL;DR, or keywords.

Step 3: Generate Your Summaries

Now it’s time to summarize! Click “Generate”, and Anyword will create three different summary variations for you to choose from.


Is Anyword’s Text Summarizer free?

Yes. Anyword currently offers a free 7-day trial where you can test the waters with all of our copywriting features and tools. And if you want to continue using our premium, data-driven features, you can check out our tailored plans here.

What kind of content can the Anyword’s Text Summarizer create?

Use Anyword’s Text Summarize to effectively condense a piece of content. Our platform offers three different summary styles to choose from: Paragraph, TL;DR, and Keywords.

Are Anyword’s copy variations 100% unique?

Yes. Anyword was designed to treat each generation of copy as a new request to avoid the possibility of duplicates.

What languages does Anyword currently support?

Anyword currently offers text generation in over 25different languages. Our multi-language feature allows you to do two different things: Describe your content/product in different languages and generate copy variations in different languages.

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