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Webinar in Review – Generative AI for Marketing: Beyond the Basics

Anyword Community
Reading time 4 min
Ad Copywriting

Watch the full webinar here.

We recently sat down with Jason Levy, Marketing Manager for Blazeo, to talk about how his small team has incorporated AI at the core of their marketing strategy over the past year.

Jason, like many B2B marketing leaders, was facing capacity problems when he discovered Anyword. He needed a way to consistently execute a well-rounded marketing strategy that included ads, email campaigns, social media, and blog content. Hiring more marketers was not an option, so he turned to AI.

A year later, Jason shares his experience as an Anyword power user and proponent of AI adoption within marketing teams.

Most Impactful Uses of AI for Marketing

Drawing on Jason’s experience, we are going to break down the top opportunities for AI to make an immediate difference in your marketing. We’ll start with the obvious, common-sense use cases and then reveal some perhaps surprising and exciting ones marketers have discovered.

Ideation and Brainstorming: Speed up the ideation process by generating new ideas in a fraction of the time it would take a human team. Using AI for brainstorming sessions has saved Jason’s team countless hours (06:49), while its ability to draw from a vast pool of data ensures fresh and innovative ideas that align with current trends and consumer interests.

Content Creation: Content creation is one of the most labor-intensive aspects of marketing. With AI, Jason's team has been able to produce high-quality, on-time content across various platforms—ads, email campaigns, social media posts, and blogs—more consistently (08:34). As Jason puts it, “I don’t have time to not use it.”

Content Optimization and Performance Prediction: AI doesn't just create content; it optimizes it too. By analyzing performance data and predicting which types of content will perform best, AI ensures that the content you produce is not just abundant but also effective. Integrating with tools like Google Ads and HubSpot allows for real-time adjustments and future performance predictions while keeping you from having to hire an SEO agency (22:03). 

Tone of Voice: Consistency in tone of voice across all marketing materials is crucial. AI can analyze existing content to understand and replicate the desired tone, ensuring brand consistency even when different team members are contributing to content creation (27:48).

How to Create Buy-In From Your Marketing Team

It’s natural to experience pushback when you are championing any new technology. When ATMs were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s, many were concerned that they would replace bank tellers and lead to significant job losses in the banking sector. On the contrary, while ATMs did reduce the number of tellers needed per location, their positive effects on the efficiency of banking operations led to the expansion of business to more locations, ultimately increasing overall employment in the banking industry. Likewise, AI is expected to change the nature of work but not outright replace it. Learning to work with it effectively can give you a major career advantage.

Early AI adopters recognize the importance of the shift that’s taking place. AI is not a fleeting trend - it’s permanently changing the way we work. For many, that is a scary thought.

The fear that AI might replace human jobs is a common concern, but Anyword users see the technology as an ally that enhances your strategic vision. You have a point of view and a guiding strategy. AI provides a foundation of insights and predictions that inform your decisions and guide you toward executing that strategy.

As the strategic visionary, you can leverage AI to foresee trends, adapt to changing market conditions, and stay ahead of the competition. AI complements your intuition and expertise, helping you craft campaigns that are not only innovative but also highly effective. The result? Marketing strategies that are as powerful as they are precise.

Buy-in doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t get discouraged if it takes some time and effort to get your team consistently using AI. Marketers have each developed unique daily routines that work for them, and adopting new tools threatens to disrupt those routines. But, as Jason recounts, no one has ever said they want to go back to the “old way” once they have grown accustomed to the “new way.”

In his experience, building employee comfort with the technology starts with demonstrating how to use it for specific use cases. Much more challenging than explaining the “why” to your team is articulating the “how.” We are all learning the best ways to use AI, so knowledge sharing is paramount. Your task is to provide regular reminders and point out opportunities to apply the technology. If you hear comments like, “It’s faster if I just do this myself,” the employee is likely struggling to write skillful prompts to glean the right information from the model. Help them out by documenting best practices and the tips and tricks you have learned in your experimentation.

Be sure to point out where AI falls short to emphasize the importance of the human person. Specifically, humans are excellent at developing nuanced strategies, and while AI can help execute on those strategies, the human is in the driver’s seat. Some employees may need support coping with relying on AI, as they may feel it makes their skills and creativity obsolete or muted. In reality, using a tool like Anyword frees marketers to think more creatively and outsource the boring, tedious work to AI.

Marketing AI Use Cases Beyond the Basics

The conversation with Jason also revealed some non-obvious use cases for AI in marketing.

Sales Support: AI can assist in responding to prospect questions and answering RFPs, crucial tasks that benefit from quick turnaround and consistent brand voice. AI does the heavy lifting, getting responses 95% of the way there so your sales team doesn’t have to stall.

Summarization and Content Repurposing: AI can take large documents like product brochures or whitepapers, summarize the main points, and turn them into webinar invites, sales collateral, or LinkedIn posts (10:51).

Evidence and Citations: AI helps find and cite reputable sources in marketing content, adding credibility to big claims.

Script Writing: AI can write scripts for product videos, commercials, and company overview videos.

Competitive Analysis: AI can also be used to conduct competitive analysis by scanning competitors' content, social media activities, and online presence. This provides insights into market positioning and helps in developing strategies to outperform competitors.

By integrating AI into your marketing strategy, you can elevate your team’s performance, overcome capacity challenges, and stay ahead of the competition. Jason’s experience with Anyword demonstrates that the future of marketing is not just about embracing new tools but also about transforming how we work to achieve greater efficiency and creativity. 

Watch the entire webinar here.

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