We recommend signing up with your work email to keep all your marketing content in one place
Look – we all get stuck on how to reword and revamp our content. In any sort of marketing or advertising copy, it’s important to keep things fresh and exciting. But this is easier said than done.
Enter: Paraphrasing.
Paraphrasing is a helpful way to take existing content or copy and reword, shorten, and refresh it so it feels brand new. Whether you are reworking some of your own content or putting someone else’s words into your own voice, paraphrasing makes it a more seamless experience refreshing your quality copy. Not sure how to get started on your own? AI paraphrasing tools are here to help.
Here, we’ll dive into how to use an AI paraphrasing tool to your best advantage, as well as some tips for creating more concise content.
When it comes to paraphrasing, it’s not as easy as simply switching some words around to make it different. It’s a delicate balance of rewriting existing copy and still capturing the essence of the original context. Tricky as this may be, we’ve broken down four simple tips to help you get started.
Keep it accurate to the original meaning. When paraphrasing, it’s important to maintain the original context of whatever it is you’re shortening or rewording.
Completely articulate your thoughts. It can be tempting to cut too much when paraphrasing in an effort to make your content shorter and more efficient. But sometimes this can actually hurt you in that your point isn’t fully understood or made.
Keep it fresh and original. You can rework and rephrase your content, but it’s still essential that you keep it unique and fresh.
Present information in a different order. One easy way to rephrase and reword your content is to present your facts in a different order. Maybe your old copy wasn’t performing as well because you were burying the marketing lead, so to speak. Switch it around and see what happens!
Revamp & Fine-Tune Existing Copy
AI paraphrasing tools allow you to add or import existing text to be reworded. Ad copy to update? Headlines that need some fine-tuning? Turn to a paraphrasing tool to push out new copy variations all in just a few clicks.
Rephrase Blog Copy
In addition to allowing you to create entire blog posts from start to finish, AI blog writing tools also let you reword or adjust certain sections. So, not only will these tools help you speed up your writing flow, but they also allow you to customize and tweak your copy until it’s exactly what you need.
Refine Copy Based On Instructions
Certain blog tools also allow you to provide AI with specific instructions for different paragraphs in your blog post. Want to tweak the focus of a section? Tell the AI paraphrasing tool what you want to write about and you can either continue working on the same paragraph or start over completely.
Log into your Anyword account and create a new Blog Wizard project!
Anyword uses the description of your chosen topic to generate an outline, headline options, and introduction for your blog post.
Once you are happy with the initial elements of your blog, it’s time to start writing the rest of it. Anyword will automatically set up your blog using the outline generated in the previous steps.
If you decide you want to rework a certain sentence or section of your blog, rephrase it! Simply highlight the section you want reworded or revamped and click “Rephrase”.
Yes. Anyword currently offers a free 7-day trial where you can test the waters with all of our AI writing tools and features. After that, your account is automatically transferred to our Free plan. And if you want to continue using our premium, data-driven features, you can check out our tailored plans here.
Use Anyword’s Paraphrasing tool to rewrite and reword specific sections of your blog in our Blog Wizard feature. You can also rewrite existing content for specific use cases, like ads, landing page copy, emails, and more.
Yes. Anyword was designed to treat each generation of copy as a new request to avoid the possibility of duplicates. Additionally, we have a plagiarism checker on our Blog Wizard tool that scans your text and the internet to make sure there’s no matching or similar copy.
Transform the way you do business with our AI writing tool. Sign up for free and explore our powerful tools.
Create optimized content in a few clicks with our sentence rewriter. Discover the benefits of using an AI-generated copy rewriter tool.
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