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Webinar Recap: Data-Driven Copywriting: A New Era in Marketing

Anyword Community
Reading time 4 min
Ad Copywriting

Every day, marketers and copywriters use various digital channels to promote their content, products, or services, but there’s still no guarantee that those messages will perform.

Enter: Data-driven copywriting.

Leveraging data and analytics in content can change the way in which you write marketing copy and dramatically boost performance. And we’re here to tell you why — and how.

First, let’s quickly outline some of the key points discussed in our webinar:

Now let’s dive into what we discussed on the webinar.

  • What copywriting challenges we can solve with data-driven copywriting.
  • How you can boost conversions and sales with a data-driven approach.
  • Different use cases in which you can incorporate data into your content.

Check out the webinar recording.

What Is Data-Driven Copywriting? How Can We Benefit From It?

Data-driven copywriting can help solve a whole slew of pains for copywriters and marketers alike. Let’s think about some of the problems we run into on a daily basis. Lack of time. Pesky writer’s block. Not knowing which copy will perform. These are all struggles that every single one of us have faced at some point — maybe more often than we’d like. So, it’s time to turn to the data. With the power of data-driven copywriting behind you, you can:

  • Take the guesswork out of copywriting.
  • Banish writer’s block
  • Save time and money creating copy.
  • And more!

Now that we know what data-driven copywriting can help you accomplish, how can you get started leveraging this benefit? That’s where Anyword can help. 

Over the past 7 years, Anyword's AI studied the performance of millions of Marketing Assets for the leading brands in the world. That's how Anyword knows what works!

Thanks to Anyword’s data-driven AI copywriting platform, writing quality copy is no longer a gamble. With our Predictive Performance Scores, you know how well your copy would perform before even going live. This means you would know how likely you’d be to get the conversions and sales that you’re looking for. Additionally, you’d also know which audiences and demographics (age and gender) your copy would appeal to — all ahead of time.

And just how is Anyword able to predict all of this? Data, of course! Based on data from the performance of millions of market assets from some of the top brands in the world, Anyword’s AI knows what works and what converts.

What Anyword Can Accomplish For You

Ad Writing

With Anyword, you can create converting ad copy in minutes — and in just a few clicks! Our AI copywriting platform allows you to generate several copy variations at once and choose between a wide range of platforms. We’re talking Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Text Ads, and more.

But that’s now all our platform can do for you. Anyword currently offers 20+ different languages. So, if English is your second language, don’t worry! Anyword is here to be your fluent guide.

And if you’re ever unsatisfied with the copy being generated by our platform, simply go back to the brief you created at the beginning and make sure that information best represents your product/service and what you’re trying to achieve!

Plus, as mentioned before, all of our copy variations come with a unique Predictive Performance Score. These scores help you determine how well your copy would perform — before you even go live. Each variation also includes a Score Panel, which tells you the age and gender demographics of the audience that this copy will best resonate with. So, you can say goodbye to the guesswork! You now have the power to know the probability of conversions and sales right away.

Continuous Optimization

Building a highly-effective, high-converting landing page can be a lot of guesswork for most marketers, even those with years of experience. It takes time, effort, and a lot of trial and error. But not anymore. Anyword’s Continuous Optimization feature deploys several copy variations and learns which combination of header, product description, and CTA text works best for each customer segment. What does this mean for you? You can make sure you’re getting the right message in front of the right audience — every single time.

Blog Post Writer

What if we told you that you could create an entire blog post in half the time. With Anyword, the too good to be true is actually … true. Our blog post generator allows you to turn a blank page into a brilliant blog post in minutes. Create an entire outline, headline, intro, and body for your blog with just a few clicks of a button. With Anyword’s help, you can say goodbye to writer’s block — permanently. 

And to sweeten the deal, our blog generator also has a built-in plagiarism checker that scans your text and the internet for similar copy. This guarantees  that you’re generating 100% unique copy all the time.

And of course, if you have any further questions or would just like some more information about Anyword, please don’t hesitate to schedule a full demo. Plus, don’t forget to join our Facebook Group to connect with fellow users of our platform, ask questions, and learn from each other!

There’s More

Webinar in Review: AI Performance Writing – How to Apply AI and Analytics to Your Content

[Watch Full Webinar]. Gain insights on integrating generative AI into your marketing efforts with tips from Blazeo’s recent webinar.

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