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How to Win at SEO Copywriting

Inbar Yagur
Reading time 4 min
Ad Copywriting

SEO copywriting is not easy and has lots of rules, but it is absolutely necessary. You’ll find SEO behind many essential parts of online marketing, from eCommerce product descriptions to landing page copy to the meta tags that Google looks up in response to a search. All of it needs to be written according to best practices to maximize the chance that the search engine will rank it highly. Plus, to make things more interesting, Google frequently changes the rules it uses to grade your content and the SEO behind it. 

Creating effective text for SEO requires bringing together a lot of details in only a few words—not the easiest undertaking. Here are the key things to keep in mind when copywriting for search engine optimization across the basic components of a website. 

Landing Pages

Landing page SEO needs to strike a balance between quantity and quality. You need enough keywords to attract a good ranking, but you don’t want so many that Google will penalize you for keyword stuffing.

Placement is the most important aspect of landing page SEO—keywords should definitely appear in the title and at least once in the text (close to the start). Of secondary importance is placement in headings, the URL, meta tags, and alt image tags. Finally, the content of the landing page itself needs to combine:

  • An intriguing headline
  • A simple explanation of what you do that delivers all of your main messages
  • A clear “what’s in it for me?” explanation
  • CTAs that inspire action

…all while inserting primary and secondary keywords in the right quantity and in ways that seem natural. 

After these steps, you must verify that you have done a good job, and the way to find out is through plenty of testing and rewriting.

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions should be treated in many of the same ways as landing pages: proper placement, no keyword stuffing, and constant testing. You should also have a separate and unique description for every product, or main product group so that a search engine will index each product page.

Length of description is also important, and it depends on the likely information needs of your customers. For example, if you are selling simple goods like socks, your product description will be much shorter than that for selling a computer—just make sure to include the distinguishing search terms in these descriptions.

Meta Tags

Meta tags consist of meta titles and meta descriptions. They must be restricted to a maximum of 60 and 160 characters each, respectively, so you’ve really got only a tiny amount of space to accommodate your message. Any longer and Google will truncate the tag, which is a fancy way of saying that the extra text is ignored.  

When writing meta descriptions, it’s important to create different ones for every piece of content. The most effective meta tags use power words, emotional language, and an active voice. Equally essential is the inclusion of a “marketing hook” or unique selling proposition while accurately describing your product. It is also recommended to mention special offers and insert a call-to-action.

As a final note, if you run out of ideas, you can try Googling your keyword and browsing the top results to get inspired. 

Simplify Your SEO Endeavors

So, are you ready to work hard and take on the SEO challenge?

Or… do you want to work smart and invest your valuable time elsewhere?

As we stated at the outset, SEO copywriting is absolutely necessary, but there’s an easier way to do a better job of it. The latest artificial intelligence technologies are able to incorporate all of the rules of top SEO copywriting to generate product descriptions, landing page copy, and other assets. You specify the SEO keywords, provide some quick details about your product, click the button, and watch AI produce line after line of copy that performs.

Anyword’s AI copywriting technology is built on millions of dollars worth of advertising texts and their conversion rates, so it knows what type of language and messaging works best for a particular audience. Instead of searching for new ways to sharpen your copywriting skills while struggling with the rules of good SEO copywriting—not to mention all the other jobs on your list— just think of Anyword as your SEO copywriting tool and rely on it to create outstanding texts that are even graded according to their predicted performance.   

So, SEO copywriting these days doesn’t actually require all the sweat it used to...stay cool and let AI do the heavy lifting for you.

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